Setting up as a freelance copywriter and creative has started me on one of the biggest learning curves of my life. In the last few weeks, I have gone from an employee in sales, to an owner. I now work in finance, marketing, HR, sales, customer service, I.T. and project management.
Actual footage of me reading about GDPR
Do I really need to take more time out of my day to write a blog?
The answer is a resounding - Yes!
According to, a new blog is being added to the web every 0.5 seconds! An intimidating number, but of course not everyone is reading every blog. In fact, statistically* the average reader has already stopped reading this post, so if you're still here - well done!
As a copywriter, it's pretty obvious that I should be writing regularly. But even if I was running a different business, I've discovered that having a regular blog could be more valuable than all the other outlets put together (if it's interesting of course!)
Businesses with blogs are 13 times more likely to see returns on their investment than those without ( ).
And if you haven't got the time or expertise to write your own, there are plenty of freelance copywriters out there ( a-hem) who will write one for you.