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Secret Diary of a First-time Theatre Producer


Updated: Feb 18, 2023

Or, how the hell does anything get made!

After 12 years working for one of the UK's largest and most successful regional theatres and as an actor for at least 20 years, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what it takes to put on a show. Theatre producing was something that I had been interested in for a few years, whilst working as a Box Office manager. I always had several ideas swimming around my over-active imagination. Plays, sketches, talks, musicals -you name it and I thought maybe I could bring them to life one day. So, when I found myself out of work, in 2021, following the "great pandemic", something I said I would do "one day" became today. I certainly think I was in a better position than a lot of people and although had some idea of how challenging it can be, the last few months have still been less of a learning curve and more of a learning hike.

Erica Mynard, a woman in her mid-forties with dark, brown curly hair, wearing a blue and grey silk top. She is standing in front of a poster for Billy Elliot the Musical, with the words Be Inspired behind her
I was inspired!

Armed with my "how to" guides and weary with webinar wisdom, I set-up a company and website in November 2020 and decided my new normal would include being a theatre producer. And now 18- months on, I have my first play in development. It's all very exciting, frustrating, terrifying and surreal, so I have decided to blog about it. Why?

  • If I commit to telling you about it, I am less likely to give up ( pride is a very strong motivator) and writing a regular blog means I have to make regular progress. (Producers live by deadlines, either sticking to them or shuffling them around)

  • I qualified as a copywriter in 2021 and nothing looks worse than a content writer that doesn't write! (So, yes it also doubles as shameless SEO content, to keep the website near the top of the google search rankings*)

  • I am seriously wondering how any theatre show actually gets made and as you read my blog,I hope you too will appreciate the time and money it takes to produce even the smallest of events.

  • I realise there are lots of people out there, just like me, all at various stages of planning, negotiating and creating their arts projects. All at various levels of sanity and frustration and all "stitching up their dreams with a thread of hope" to paraphrase Amy Grant. If you are one of them, I hope you will be inspired, entertained or educated, as I make my way through the minefield of my first project. I'll try and share some tips or resources each time too. And I would love it if you have any tips for me. ("Get another job" doesn't count)

  • I have realised that my memory has never been as great as I think it is and even the most amazing experiences and people can disappear. I will have a lasting, but immediate record of the journey ( I hate that phrase, but it will have to do for now) Don't worry, I'll try and keep it as light-hearted and sarcastic as I can. I am British after all.

  • When something amazing, or particularly exciting happens on the project I am usually dying to share it with someone. So, if I can, I will (contracts will often say I can't- more on that later) Just keep in mind that something I think is really exciting, might not seem quite so exciting to you.

  • It's an opportunity for me to a give a 'shout out' to the many, many people who have given me tips, advice, inspiration and a shoulder to cry on to get me this far. (No-one is an island!) Starting with a mention for Royal & Derngate who are supporting me through their Generate programme.

  • Equally, if disaster strikes, I know most of us have a morbid fascination with other people's misfortune, so at least someone will be entertained.

I'll be sharing the blog on my socials, but if you want to be the first to hear news and updates on the project, please join the mailing list here.

Thank you .

Let's do this!

Erica x

Stagger onwards rejoicing;

And even then if, perhaps

Having actually got

To the last col, you collapse

With all Atlantis shining

Below you yet you cannot

Descend, you should still be proud

Just to peep at Atlantis,

In a poetic vision:

Give thanks and lie down in peace,

Having seen your salvation.

From 'Atlantis' by W.H. Auden

* Other search engines are available. plants a tree with every search

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1 Comment

May 01, 2022

Good luck Erica, you'll smash it

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