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The Page to Engage!


Updated: Nov 10, 2020

Why your blog should be part of your business plan.

Most companies don't think twice before hiring a professional to do their accounts. But when it comes to communications, many often opt for DIY. The results are business blogs that are not fulfilling their potential, or even their purpose.

"Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant" - Mitchell Kapor

A delighted little boy, with his hand in the water jet of a garden hose
Photograph by Phil Goodwin @fhlcreative - Unsplash

There are over 500 million blogs on the internet,* so if you're only writing one because you think you should, it will be about as effective as that kid is at watering the lawn.

A well-written, entertaining and informative blog, directs people to you and more importantly, keeps them coming back. Look at this list of the UK's top 50 blogs to see how they keep their followers engaged. I enjoy for their friendly style and useful wellbeing advice, as much as their tempting adventure travel.

According to, the average blog takes around 3 and half hours to write. Time you would probably rather be spending on something else.

Many companies, big and small, hire freelance copywriters for their blog. Having a dedicated writer, ensures that the company stays current and continually engages with customers. And it also means great copy every, single time.

If you need help with your blog get in touch today

"Attention is becoming scarce, once you have someone's attention, you should use it wisely." Alistair Kroll (@akroll)


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